Employment Background Screening & Investigative Services
A standard Fidelifacts Report for employment, may include the following:
CREDIT: A computer printout of credit activity. This may show slow payments, overdue accounts, items charged off or turned over for collection, suits, tax liens, and judgments for the last 7 years & bankruptcies for 10 years.
CRIMINAL RECORDS: Criminal convictions are usually searched through the individual county courts, based on the county or counties of residence, as requested by the client. In some states a statewide criminal conviction search is conducted as an alternate choice, or combined with a county search.
Statewide criminal checks are usually conducted through the State police or an equivalent agency. However, they do NOT always have all the information that may be found in a county search. To do as thorough a search as possible on an economic basis, the best way is to combine a county check with a Statewide check where it is available.
Another useful check is a search of Federal criminal records. There are some limitations to the Federal check. It will usually cover arrests made by agencies such as the FBI, Customs, Secret Service and Postal Authorities. This search covers back to about 1991. In some Federal courts, it may only go back to 1994 and in others to the late 1980s.
Most federal criminal cases will involve white-collar crime such as tax evasion, credit and bank fraud, high-level drug offenses and crimes of violence on federal property. You will not find federal cases in the check of county or statewide criminal records. And you will not find county or state cases in the federal court search.
A federal check should be ordered any time you are checking an applicant who has worked for the federal government in the past, or who has worked in the banking or brokerage industry. It is also wise to check federal cases on anyone who will be in a fiduciary position.
DRIVER HISTORY SEARCH: Some States have severely restricted access to these records. CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION!
EMPLOYMENT: We usually interview sources in the personnel department of a company to obtain basic record information. This includes exact dates of employment, confirmation of identity, comparison of the current application’s employment history with that on file with the former employer. We also check for salary information (if supplied), job title, plus reasons for leaving and available evaluative data. We ALWAYS try to interview the former supervisor. If he or she is no longer employed, we make an effort to locate them utilizing our vast telephone database, the internet and other sources.
EDUCATION: We obtain information ranging from dates of attendance and degrees to complete copies of academic records, depending on the policy of the school. Many schools will ONLY release information if they have a written authorization from the former student.
MILITARY RECORDS: With proper authorization, we can usually obtain either microfiche files or complete copies of an applicant’s military record, including performance evaluations, and disciplinary history such as court martials.
REFERENCES: We prefer to interview business rather than personal references, as they are in closer contact with the applicant and can usually comment with accuracy on the ability, experience and background in which you are interested. In addition we may try to obtain the names of others that may have useful information about the subject.
Facts You Should Know About Criminal Background Checks.
What is Covered and What is Not Covered