MVR Terms – State by State
Please note: The following information has been collected from various state DMV’s in response to questions from our customers and is intended only as information. Always contact the DMV of the state in question for additional information regarding a driver’s record.
This is not a complete listing for each state. It is some of the terminology one may see on a driving record.
FTP – Failure to Pay Fine
F.R. Division – Financial Responsibility Division
S.R. Division – Safety Responsibility Division
DDP – Drinking Driving Program
D.I. Division – Driver Improvement Division
TSS Assignment = Traffic Safety School Assignment
“VIOL – CDL MEDICAL SUSP” – COMMERCIAL PRIVILEGES ONLY is a suspension because the person didn’t turn in his medical report.
“Implied Consent Suspension” means refusal to test or not completing test successfully.
“DWAI” means driving while ability impaired by alcohol.
“FNG SUBMSN TO CRT-OS” means failure to pay fine out of state.
“PNG SUBMSN TO CRT-OS” means the driver received a ticket out of state.
“Investigation refund” means the check they used to pay for license renewal bounced (insufficient funds).
DDP Completed is an abbreviation for Drinking Driver Program.
“Scofflaw” found on a New York record means the driver Failed to Appear.
If a driver has a suspension for failure to pay fine, the violation will not show on the record until he pays the fine.
“Default Conviction” means the court convicts the driver rather than Traffic Violations Bureau.
Mandatory Status: suspended for DWI, moving violation, etc.
Manual Status: suspended for failure to pay fine.
Note: If one of the above statuses is suspended, license is suspended. All have different criteria in order to be reinstated
Points are halved every year from conviction date. These are current points.
“Viol – Alcohol Violation” is an open container violation.
“Dept – ADSAP – Successful Completed” is an abbreviation for Alcohol & Drug Safety Action Program was successfully completed.
A license can be listed as valid if they are suspended. This is because the driver’s license has not expired. It will not show suspended in the status field.