Tenant Background Screening
Besides using background checks (such as criminal checks and credit reports) to determine if a prospective tenant can pay the rent, authorities are recommending a background check for other reasons…
(The 6-3-02 issue of the New York Daily News contains an article on terror defenses for building landlords.)
A meeting with major landlords in NYC was to be held at police headquarters in NYC. Anti-terrorism experts were said to plan briefing landlords on better screening of prospective tenants by using private eyes to run background, criminal and credit checks.
Some of the warning signs referred to in the article were people who offer large sums of cash as down payments or who request specific locations or floors in a building.
The use of residential identification cards will also be stressed according to this article.
For more information please call 212-425-1520 or e-mail us at operations@fidelifacts.com
Nanny Background Reports
Going back to work or looking for help around the house, and planning on hiring a NANNY (a maid, butler or anyone for that matter)?
Why should you check a nanny?
Would you let ANY stranger walk into your house without first knowing something about that stranger?
At a minimum we suggest that you check a potential Nanny’s criminal history, driving record, federal criminal and bankruptcy record. You should also request an SS# trace which will usually tell you where the person has lived in the last 10-20 years and is an additional guide as to where criminal records should be checked. The cost will vary depending on where checks are conducted and how many criminal record jurisdictions have to be searched. However, in most cases, the average will probably be in the $150-175 range, plus sales tax. Because of state fees, it will cost more in NY State.
Call us and we will tell you how to order reports.
You must ALWAYS obtain written permission to conduct a background check (standard forms can be supplied by FIDELIFACTS).
Call us for more information or e-mail us at operations@fidelifacts.com and we will contact you.
(For more detailed information on a STANDARD FIDELIFACTS REPORT click here.)